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Collections of essays based on papers given at project events

A collection based on papers given at the first three seminars organized by the project forms a special issue of The Italianist, 34.3 (2014), entitled Oral Culture in Early Modern Italy: Performance, Language, Religion.

Interactions between Orality and Writing in Early Modern Italian Culture - book coverInteractions between Orality and Writing in Early Modern Italian Culture was published by Routledge in 2016. It includes essays by Peter Burke, Luca Degl'Innocenti, Jessica Goethals, Florence Alazard, Iain Fenlon, Richard Andrews, Chiara Sbordoni, Chiara De Caprio and Francesco Senatore, Lorenza Gianfrancesco, Jean-Louis Fournel, Stefano Jossa, Françoise Waquet, Roberta Giubilini, Warren Boutcher, and Vilma De Gasperin.

Reviews: Noel Regan, Music & Letters, 98.3 (2017), 470-72; Jane E. Everson, Modern Language Review, 113.2 (2018), 117-18; Pasquale Palmieri, Storia della Storiografia, 73.1 (2018), 135-48.

Voices and Texts in Early Modern Italian Society - book cover
Voices and Texts in Early Modern Italian Society was published by Routledge in 2017. It includes essays by Thomas Cohen, Claire Judde de Larivière, Una McIlvenna, Elizabeth Cohen, Brian Maxson, Isabella Lazzarini, Philippe Canguilhem, Brian Richardson, Francesca Bortoletti, Paola Ventrone, Paolo Procaccioli, Nicolò Maldina, Élise Boillet, Massimo Rospocher, and Robert Kendrick.

Reviews: Jean-Louis Fournel, Bibliothèque d’humanisme et Renaissance, 79 (2017), 691-93; Noel Regan, Music & Letters, 98.3 (2017), 470-72; Jan-Friedrich Missfelder, Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte, 20 (2018), 192-93; Laura Carnelos, TECA, 13-14 (March-Sept. 2018), 212-14.

The Cantastorie in Renaissance Italy: Street Singers between Oral and Literate Cultures, edited by Luca Degl'Innocenti, Massimo Rospocher, and Rosa Salzberg, forms a special issue of Italian Studies, 71.2 (May 2016), with essays by Blake Wilson, Robert Henke, Laura Carnelos, Eugenio Refini, Rosa Salzberg, Anna Pegoretti, and Chriscinda Henry, and a Postscript by Peter Burke.

Street Singers in Renaissance Europe, edited by Luca Degl’Innocenti and Massimo Rospocher, forms a special issue of Renaissance Studies, 33.1 (February 2019), with essays by Luca Degl’Innocenti and Massimo Rospocher, Una McIlvenna, Jeroen Salman, Chriscinda Henry, Juan Gomis, and Angela McShane.

Selected further publications by members of the project team

Francesca Bortoletti

'La voce dei poeti alla corte Aragonese: la festa e il teatro', Quaderni d’italianistica, 36.1 (2015), 13-62

'Arcadia, festa e performance alla corte dei Re d'Aragona (1442-1503)', The Italianist, 36.1 (2016), 1-28

I mestieri di Orfeo: memoria, politica e teatro nel primo Rinascimento (Milan: Mimesis, 2020)

Stefano Dall'Aglio

'Voices under Trial: Inquisition, Abjuration, and Preachers' Orality in Sixteenth-Century Italy', Renaissance Studies, 31.1 (2017), 25-42. This article was judged runner-up in the Society for Renaissance Studies' annual essay prize for the best essay published in Renaissance Studies.

Luca Degl'Innocenti

I 'Reali' dell'Altissimo: un ciclo di cantari fra oralità e scrittura - book cover

I 'Reali' dell'Altissimo: un ciclo di cantari fra oralità e scrittura (Florence: Società editrice fiorentina, 2008)

'Al suon di questa cetra': ricerche sulla poesia orale del Rinascimento (Florence: Società editrice fiorentina, 2016)

'I cantari in ottava rima tra Medio Evo e primo Rinascimento: i cantimpanca e la piazza', in Cantar ottave: per una storia culturale dell'intonazione cantata in ottava rima, ed. by Maurizio Agamennone (Lucca: LIM, 2017), pp. 3-24

(ed. with Riccardo Bruscagli), Out Loud: Practices of Reading and Reciting in Early Modern Times, Journal of Early Modern Studies, 7 (2018)

Cristoforo Fiorentino detto l’Altissimo, Il primo libro de Reali, ed. by Luca Degl’Innocenti, vol. I, cantari 1-54; vol. II, cantari 55-94 (Florence: Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2019-20)

Nicolò Maldina

Ariosto e la battaglia della Polesella: guerra e poesia nella Ferrara di primo Cinquecento, Collana del Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica dell’Università di Bologna, Sezione di Italianistica, 28 (Bologna: il Mulino, 2016)

Brian Richardson

'Dialects and Standard Language in Renaissance Printing and Editing', in Italian Dialects and Literature: From the Renaissance to the Present, ed. by Emanuela Tandello and Diego Zancani, Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies, Supplement 1 (1996), 7-22

'Rustic Language in a Sixteenth-Century Florentine Comedy: La Biagia da Decomano', Italian Studies, 51 (1996), 96-112

'"Recitato e cantato": The Oral Diffusion of Lyric Poetry in Sixteenth-Century Italy', in Theatre, Opera, and Performance in Italy from the Fifteenth Century to the Present: Essays in Honour of Richard Andrews, ed. by Brian Richardson, Simon Gilson, and Catherine Keen (Leeds: Society for Italian Studies, 2004), pp. 67-82

'"Varie maniere di parlare": Aspects of Learning Italian in Renaissance Italy and Britain', in 'Ciò che potea la lingua nostra': Lectures and Essays in Memory of Clara Florio Cooper, ed. by Vilma De Gasperin, The Italianist, 30 (2010), Special Supplement, 78-94

'Gli intermedi del Machiavelli e i madrigali asolani', Quaderni veneti, n.s., 2 (2013), 251-58

'Manuscript, Print, Orality and the Authority of Texts in Renaissance Italy', in Authority in European Book Culture 1400-1600, ed. by Pollie Bromilow (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2013), pp. 15-29

'Publication', in Cambridge Companion to the Italian Renaissance, ed. by Michael Wyatt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp. 164-78

'"Voi ch'ascoltate": Reciting Petrarchan Verse in Renaissance Italy', in Chivalry, Academy and Cultural Dialogues: The Italian Contribution to European Modernity, ed. by Stefano Jossa and Giuliana Pieri (Cambridge: Legenda, 2016), pp. 167-80

'Improvising Lyric Verse in the Renaissance: Contexts, Sources and Imitation', in Cultural Reception, Translation and Transformation from Medieval to Modern Italy: Essays in Honour of Martin McLaughlin, ed. by Guido Bonsaver, Brian Richardson and Giuseppe Stellardi (Cambridge: Legenda, 2017), pp. 97-116

Women and the Circulation of Texts in Renaissance Italy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020)

‘Forms and Aims of Exegesis in Girolamo Ruscelli’s Editions of Petrarch (1554)’, in Petrarch Commentary and Exegesis in Renaissance Italy and Beyond, ed. by Guyda Armstrong, Simon A. Gilson and Federica Pich (Cambridge: Legenda, 2023), pp. 79-94

‘Lire et chanter les œuvres littéraires dans l’Italie de la Renaissance’, in Paroles ailées: lectures en public des œuvres littéraires (XVIe-XXIe siècle), ed. by Françoise Waquet (Paris: Sorbonne Université Presses, 2023), pp. 193-205

Massimo Rospocher

Beyond the Public Sphere: Opinions, Publics, Spaces in Early Modern Europe - book cover

'Versos desde las plazas: la poesía como lenguaje de comunicación política en los espacios públicos de las ciudades italianas del Renacimento', in Opinión pública y espacio urbano en la Edad Moderna, ed. by Antonio Castillo Gómez and James S. Amelang (Gijón: Trea, 2010), pp. 185-210

Co-authored with Rosa Salzberg, '"El vulgo zanza": voci, spazi, pubblici a Venezia durante le guerre d'Italia', Storica, 48 (2010), 83-120

Co-authored with Rosa Salzberg, 'An Evanescent Public Sphere: Voices, Spaces, and Publics in Venice during the Italian Wars', in Beyond the Public Sphere: Opinions, Publics, Spaces in Early Modern Europe, ed. by Massimo Rospocher (Bologna: il Mulino; Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2012), pp. 93-114

Co-authored with Rosa Salzberg, 'Street Singers in Italian Renaissance Urban Culture and Communication'Cultural and Social History, 9.1 (2012), 9-26

'Dall'oralità alla stampa: rivoluzione o transizione? I cantastorie nel sistema multimediale del Cinquecento', in La transizione come problema storiografico: le fasi critiche dello sviluppo della modernità (1494-1973), ed. by Paolo Pombeni and Heinz-Gerhard Haupt (Bologna: il Mulino, 2013), pp. 151-71

'La voce della piazza: oralità e spazio pubblico nell’Italia del Rinascimento', in Oltre la sfera pubblica: lo spazio della politica nell’Europa moderna, ed. by Massimo Rospocher (Bologna: il Mulino, 2013), pp. 9-30

'Songs of War: Historical and Literary Narratives of the "Horrendous Italian Wars" (1494-1559)', in Narrating War: Early Modern and Contemporary Perspectives, ed. by Marco Mondini and Massimo Rospocher (Bologna: il Mulino; Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2013), pp. 79-98

Il papa guerriero: Giulio II nello spazio pubblico europeo (Bologna: il Mulino, 2015) Read a review in Il Sole 24 Ore

'La miscellanea del cardinale: la battaglia della Polesella tra stampa, manoscritto e oralità', in La invención de las noticias: las relaciones de sucesos entre la literatura y la información (siglos XVI-XVIII), ed. by Giovanni Ciappelli and Valentina Nider (Trento: Università degli Studi di Trento, 2017), pp. 31-50

Co-authored with Rosa Salzberg, Il mercato dell'informazione: notizie vere, false e sensazionali nella Venezia del Cinquecento (Venice: Marsilio, 2021)