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Improvising Poetry in Renaissance Italy: From the Court to the Piazza


Panel organized by Francesca Bortoletti and Luca Degl'Innocenti at the Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference, Taylor Institution, University of Oxford Chair: Richard Andrews Speakers: Francesca Bortoletti, Luca Degl'Innocenti, Brian Richardson

Performing Text in Early Modern England and Italy: Interpreting the Evidence


University of Leeds, Brotherton Library, Brotherton Room (campus map) This study day will consider the question of how we can locate and interpret evidence for the spoken and sung performance of texts in England and Italy from the late fifteenth to the seventeenth century. The full programme can be downloaded here. The keynote speaker is...

Panels and papers at the conference of the Renaissance Society of America, Berlin


Street Singers in Renaissance Europe and Beyond Organized by Luca Degl'Innocenti and Massimo Rospocher, University of Leeds, UK Thursday, 26 March, 1.15pm to 6.15pm, Hegelplatz, Dorotheenstrasse 24/1, 1.201 Panel I Spanish Brotherhoods of the Blind and the Reciting of Prayers - Juan Gomis, Catholic University of Valencia Christophe de Bordeaux and His Fight Songs against...

Orality and politics: rhetoric and poetry


Birkbeck, University of London 43 Gordon Square, room 124 This seminar will focus on aspects of orality in the world of politics in early modern Italy: performed poetry narrating and commenting on current affairs, traces of the spoken word in political writing, political rhetoric, and public proclamations. Programme 10:00 Coffee/tea 10:20 Welcome and introduction 10:30-12:30...

Oral and Written Cultures in Early Modern Italy


Our conference investigated how Italian oral culture was related to written culture in this period and how far it was independent of writing. It allowed the members of the project team to both share the results of their own research and to engage with other experts in the field. Recordings of a selection of papers from...

Conference: Oral and written cultures in early modern Italy


University of Leeds Venue: School of Music The provisional programme, the list of abstracts, and information on registration and accommodation can be found here:

Two panels at the Society for Italian Studies conference, Durham


Between Orality and Writing in Early Modern Italy I and II Speakers: Luca Degl'Innocenti, Machiavelli 'canterino'? Brian Richardson, Machiavelli's Theatre Songs between Writing and Performance Chiara Sbordoni, 'Cum la mia lingua e cum parole acute': Plautus's Tongues on Stage and in Print in Italy, 1476-1530 Massimo Rospocher, 'In vituperium status Veneti': Venetian Political Censorship between...

Three panels at the conference of the Renaissance Society of America, San Diego


Between Orality and Writing in Early Modern Italy I. The Performance of Poetry Chair: Stephen Milner Stephen McCormick: “Comincia il primo libro dell’autore”: Andrea da Barberino’s Ugone d’Alvernia and the Appropriation of the Franco-Italian Huon d’Auvergne Brian Richardson: Sixteenth-Century Italian Poets and the Performance of Petrarchan Verse Jessica Goethals: Performance, Print, and the Italian Wars:...

Panel at the Social History Society Annual Conference, University of Leeds


Practises of Inclusion and Exclusion in Renaissance Italian Oral Culture Stefano Dall'Aglio, Voices of Dissent: Deviant Preaching between Orality and Writing in Religious Renaissance Italy Luca Degl'Innocenti, Machiavelli "Canterino"? His Literary Works between High and Low Culture Massimo Rospocher, Ballad Singers vs Preachers: The Battle for the Piazza in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Italy Chair: Brian...